Andrew C. Zimmerman

Andrew C. Zimmerman

Co-founder & Chief Investment Strategist

Mr. Zimmerman is a co-founder and Chief Investment Strategist for DT Investment Partners, LLC. He is responsible for identifying tactical investment opportunities given the current investment landscape and working with DT Investment Partners’ Chief Investment Officer to implement such tactical decisions into client portfolios. He runs all technical analysis involved in the firm’s risk management processes, manages its taxable fixed income strategies, and has primary responsibility for its security selection decisions as they relate to the asset allocation strategies.

Mr. Zimmerman previously was a Vice President and Fixed Income Portfolio Manager at The Haverford Trust Company where he directed and monitored the taxable fixed income investment strategy with respect to duration, yield curve positioning, and sector allocation. His 33 years of investment industry experience includes serving as Managing Director of the Evergreen Investments Customized Fixed Income Group, where he was responsible for the supervision of Domestic and Global Investment Strategies for $120 billion in assets. He began his career with J.P. Morgan in its financial management education program and as a liquidity products trader in the Bank’s Treasury Department. A member of the Philadelphia Society of Financial Analysts, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Delaware.

Mr. Zimmerman is a member of DT Investment Partners’ Investment Selection Team.